Talk: To Learn and Cancel Noise: Probabilistic Error Cancellation (PEC) with Sparse Pauli-Lindblad Models on Noisy Quantum Processors
I recently gave a talk at the IBM Quantum Qiskit Seminar series on my work Probabilistic Error Cancellation (PEC) with Sparse Pauli-Lindblad Models on Noisy Quantum Processors
Video: IBM Quantum Seminar (YouTube, 22-May), KITP (22-Sept), CIFAR ()
Manuscript: Arxiv version
Slides: You can find video recording and my slides (pdf) below for viewing and downloading.
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Best wishes,
Video recordings
IBM Quantum Qiskit Seminar
Here you can view and download my slides.
The following are my slides from the KITP conference Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems: Advances and Applications Coordinators (Organized by Aram Harrow, Liang Jiang, Vedika Kheman, and Sagar Vijay) (dynisq22). For the full video, see here.
The following are my slides from the IBM Qiskit Seminar (22-Sept)
Zlatko Minev Invited Keynote at Quantum Matter 2023 - on PEC Probabilistic Error Cancelation
Zlatko Minev Invited Keynote at Quantum Matter 2023 - on PEC Probabilistic Error Cancelation
IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA)
I'm happy to share that I've received my second Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA) from IBM. This recognition is meaningful to me as it underscores a long journey that started with APS March Meeting 2019, and while I was developing Qiskit Metal. Totally different from Metal, it culminated in our paper on "Probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) with sparse Pauli-Lindblad models on noisy quantum processors" (read here) and a number of developments and runtime service technologies stemming from it.
I found some fun slides looking back on 2019 and the great discussion with Kristan Temme, Jay Gambetta, Sergey Bravyi, and others at the time. Even our logo was different at the time, and we called it QPRC rather than PEC.
This award is a testament not only to individual effort but to the collaborative spirit and innovative culture at IBM. It reflects our commitment to pushing the edge of quantum computing, making contributions to the field, and developing technology that lays down the groundwork for future advancements. I'm proud of and grateful for our team's hard and long work. hashtag#IBM hashtag#QuantumComputing hashtag#Innovation hashtag#OTAA hashtag#QiskitMetal hashtag#TechnicalAchievement
Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA) from IBM for work on error mitigation and starting the PEC experiment in 2019.
Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA) from IBM for work on error mitigation and starting the PEC experiment in 2019.
Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA) from IBM for work on error mitigation and starting the PEC experiment in 2019.